Tuesday, April 19, 2011


by Maria Ferrer

1. The toilet has a ring bigger than your wedding ring.

2. You have no more clean underwear.

3. Your dog is eating the cat food.

4. The dust bunnies under your bed are rioting.

5. You need to write down the lyrics to Justin Bieber’s latest song.

6. Charlie Sheen needs more friends on Twitter.

7. The last episode of General Hospital is on.

8. The cat is sleeping on the keyboard.

9. Your muse is out getting a pedicure / manicure.

10. Your significant other wants to play house.

COMMENT:   Can you come up with other excuses not to write?  And do let us know how you get back in the mood to write?

Maria Ferrer is a champion procrastinator.  However, she has managed to finish one book.  Now, if she could only find the time to edit it and submit.  But alas, there’s a new Gerard Butler movie at the theatre she’s late for.